Are you selling some amazing products you love? Providing a service for the community? Are you making some cool earrings, t-shirts, delicious food, or something else?
COVID has changed how we do a lot of things and selling products is just one of them. Gone are the days going shop to shop or house to house selling products you love and want to share! Sharing videos live on the internet is an amazing way to get your products and services out there quickly while keeping yourself safe and healthy! Yup you call that social selling!
So you want to show your friends your new products and/or services that you absolutely love! How can I do a live video on Facebook? Or as some people say how do I do a live on face? Or do you want products to sell to supplement your current income? Check this link out to find out where you can start your own business for only $20.00!
2. Click on Live Video.
3. On left hand side of the page, there are a few things that need to be done.
First of all, click where you would like to post your video.Either on your timeline or on a group IE…. FARMASi Virtual Tips, Tricks, & Tutorials
A. Select your audience…*Friends* if you are posting to your timeline.
B. Enter a Title
C. Enter a description
4. Select a microphone that works so that others can hear you. Select desired camera. How’s your lighting when the screen display comes up?
5. Click Go Live
Lights Camera Action! You are on! Just be your authentic self and have fun! You never know who will be your next customer! But what do I talk about? Coming soon!
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