According to Google, relaxation is the state of being free from tension and anxiety.
Therefore, relaxing the mind may mean that the mind is not under stress or active. In today’s lifestyle, this looks difficult. Doesn’t it?
These days, most of us believe to be being under stress during most of the week and relax only on the weekends. This is considered the common way of life. Is this the right way of living? Is living a relaxed life all the time not our right? Let us reclaim it!
If you ask anyone that why is he/she under stress most of the week, what answer do you expect to hear? I have so much work to do, deadlines to meet, tasks to be completed, prepare for the new launch, fear of getting COVID, paying a bill, wondering who will be the next president, etc., etc. Don’t you think that something like this will be the response?
At some point in our life, while we are chasing after our dreams, we lose our habit of sitting back and reflecting. We begin giving auto responses. If we are held up in a traffic jam, our response is – either to worry about the work ahead, our family at home, or blame the system or the driver beside us, or some other such negative thought. Let’s keep it real! Not many of us think – All right. If the traffic is not moving, let me relax, listen to some good music, or go back to some childhood memories, remember good friends, let me make the best use of the time to relax and enjoy life. Not many of us respond in this way. We respond in stressed way whenever we come across any similar situation. This habit is taking a big toll on our quality of life.
Many have taken stress as a way of life. Some rarely think about why they are trying to work at such a hectic pace and if ultimately, we are going to leave the office for the day with a lot of incomplete work, why not at least work in a relaxed way? What is the use of working so much, if we kill all the joy. In searching for a better tomorrow, we kill enjoying each moment.
Stressed work environment, stressed family life, no time to just walk around doing nothing but watch the nature…Why? It is as if we want to achieve the most we can in the shortest possible time and therefore, have no time to relax. Working non-stop all week is a way of life for a large majority.
Over time, continued strain on your body from stressed lifestyles may contribute to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses, including mental disorders such as depression or anxiety.–(National Institute of Mental Health, 5 Things You Should Know About Stress)
When we get stressed, we look around for the latest stress busters, latest therapies, etc. to counter the stress. And then by the time the week ends, we again go out somewhere to relax.
Why not work in a relaxed frame of mind? Why get stressed?
Reflection about our own life is very essential if we want to reclaim our right to live peacefully and our choice to live peacefully. Will it help, if we bring some beautiful scenes of nature on our computers? Will it help, if we find time to watch a butterfly flying on our screens? What about gazing at the beauty of a colorful flower during the lunch break? Why not admire the snow flowing or leaves changing colors when we can, even if it is just for a few minutes at lunch? Can it make you a little relaxed? Can it make you more relaxed? If your answer is yes, download screensavers and find time to watch them whenever you find time while you are working. Look at them, contemplate about the beauty of nature, think of their perfection and just relax. Another option, can a walk during your lunchbreak to enjoy the beauty of a palm tree or the snow glistening on the trees or bushes make you a little more relaxed? If the answer is yes, why not make it a goal to elevate your level of peace by enjoying more nature?!
Then, after a long day of work or taking care of your children and before you go to bed(and after your children go to bed ;-)), prop your feet up, give yourself a nice pedicure, while listening to some relaxing music. What a refreshing way to end your day in a relaxed state of mind!!!
Yes, you men too can prop your feet up! You will be amazed at how it will elevate how you feel! Okay, men, if you can’t come to grips with giving yourself a pedicure, why pamper yourself in a long shower with products that contain 1300 less cancer causing toxins! You won’t be disappointed.
I hope this post elevates how you feel today! Thank you for reading!
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